A grant has been awarded to a scheme that is aiming to preserve a community’s village spirit.

Elmbridge Council awarded its first ever grant in the Community Connect scheme to the Claygate Shopping Experience, a collection of shops and businesses in the village that are working together to get through tough economic times.

The scheme, launched in May this year, means each councillor at Elmbridge Council has access to £500 of funding to donate to local groups of initiatives that are being run to benefit the wider community.

Claygate Councillor Steve Wells awarded £250 of the money towards the Claygate Shopping Experience’s production of a children’s sticker group.

Children in Claygate can collect 23 stickers for their sticker book from the village shops to win a retro-looking badge and have the opportunity to enter a colouring competition with more prizes on offer.

Children in local primary schools had input in the sticker book’s design.

Leader of Elmbridge Council, Councillor John O’Reilly, said: “The Community Connect scheme enables neighbourhoods to take greater control of their own communities - creating stronger neighbourhoods and ensuring the Big Society in Elmbridge continues to grow. The Claygate Shopping Experience is a great example of the community coming together to tackle a shared issue.”

Groups and organisations who want to apply to their local councillor for a grant can find out more by visiting elmbridge.gov.uk/connect.