In response to your front page (Victory for extremism, February 6), schools cancelling synagogue visits in fear of association is like the fear felt by non-Jewish civilians who lived in Nazi Germany, because uniformed Nazi thugs roamed the streets and randomly battered civilian German Jews.

The fear today in Britain is similar, but not the same, because Nazi thugs wore clearly recognisable uniforms and so could be easily identified, unlike “Islamic” fanatics, who do not wear uniforms and who deliberately hide their identity.

The fear is greater because of never knowing if the man next to you in the street is a fanatic.

I have put “Islamic” in quotation marks to show that these fanatics are not Muslims.

Firstly, the purpose of terrorism is to frighten civilians.

And the above is the true meaning of terrorism, because like the man who drinks and then bullies and beats the wife and children, or like the writer of poisonpen letters, you never know when, or where, or even why, the next attack will take place.

Therefore, it is not the actual attack that engenders fear, but the anticipation of the attack that creates fear, and now terror, in the hearts and minds of the civilians in this country.

Secondly, the purpose of terrorism is to silence civilian free speech.

Furthermore, these unidentifiable “Islamic” fanatics hide within the communities of decent and moderate Muslims, who live in this country, and so use these good people as human shields, because they have less respect for moderate Muslims (who abide by the non-Muslim civilian laws of this country), than they have for non-Muslims.

Thirdly, the purpose of terrorism is to paralyse civilian free will.

Everyone who is afraid is unwittingly acting as a human shield for these fanatics and the famous quote “when good men do nothing, evil flourishes” becomes understandable, because when good men are afraid they will do nothing.